Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why America Lost The Cold War With The Chinese Communists

The US is in the process of self-immolating.  It is easy to point fingers and there are plenty of culprits, but one thing stands out in all of this:

America's intelligence agencies failed to perform properly despite enormous resources and freedom of action.  When the question involves intelligence agencies, it is not unreasonable to theorize adversarial intelligence agencies may have played a role in one's own intelligence agencies.

Where do we even begin to analyze such failures?

I have a wild idea:  How about INTELLIGENCE?

Yes, I know... it's naughty to talk about things like Intelligence Quotient because, after all, everyone KNOWS that IQ merely measures the ability to take IQ tests, right?  

Well at least everyone who is anyone in AMERICA knows that!  By "everyone who is anyone" I mean, of course The People Who Matter -- The Great And The Good -- Our Beneficent Elite.

As for our adversaries, we must not be so certain that they share the piety of Our Beneficent Elite.

So I entertained a thought-crime:  What if America's self-immolation was an assisted suicide -- sort of like a Fentanyl OD?

Running a numeric IQ-based model* of the Chinese intelligence agency advantage over America's intelligence agency, it comes out easily over a factor of 10. (And that is despite assuming a smaller variance in Chinese IQ thereby reducing its "smart fraction".)

As Timothy Leary was fond of pointing out in his SMI²LE acronym, I² involves awareness by an Intelligence that applying its Intelligence to increase its Intelligence is highly advantageous and the higher the Intelligence the more likely it is to recognize this advantage.  

In war the flip-side of I² holds:

Keeping the Intelligence of the adversary from recognizing I²'s advantage, and even, if possible, having it _attack_ its own Intelligence is going to be an obvious course of action at a given level of one's own Intelligence.

The baseline advantage enjoyed by the Chinese intelligence agency makes it highly likely that the post-WW II self-immolation of the very concept of human "intelligence" in America involved Chinese intelligence agency.

* Below is the wxMaxima model calculating the "baseline" advantage the PRC's intelligence agency enjoyed over America's intelligence agency.

The bottom line is given by chinese_agency_advantage_over_america which comes out at around a factor of 20.

This arises from two main factors:

  1. China's supply of metaphorical "genius ore" is greater than is America's.
  2. CCP intelligence agency is more efficiently "mining" its "genius ore".

First let's talk about the "genius ore":

Intelligence agencies rely on the nation's supply of genius-level intelligence.  In the model below, this is referred to as "ore", such as "american_genius_ore", which is "mined" by the intelligence agencies.  Although a properly run country would renewably cultivate and harvest its supply of genius, it is obvious that by permitting the economy to outbid the family for the fertile years of young women, each generation is ruthlessly selecting from the next generation the qualities demanded by the economy in this generation.  Intelligence is increasingly among these qualities consumed by the economy, so "mining" is an apt metaphor.  For reasons described herein, there is good reason to believe the CCP is not being as stupid as America in this regard.

The reason the CCP has more genius to mine is due to:

  • Its greater population
  • Its higher average IQ (even including American Ashkenazi Jewish 115 IQ)
  • The exponential increase in advantage at the genius end of a bell curve of a higher average IQ.
  • The increasing value of increasing IQ beyond the genius threshold (140 IQ in the below model).

Now let's talk about "mining efficiency":

  • Admission to elite educational institutions in America has been trending away from measures of intelligence.
  • Admission to civil service jobs has been trending away from measures of intelligence.
  • The largest deposit of  of "american_genius_ore" is among white men.
  • Affirmative action has discriminated against white men -- men of European heritage -- for several decades.
  • Affirmative action has been enthusiastically taken up by Ivy League colleges -- the primary source of elite personnel for American intelligence agencies.
  • Affirmative action has been taken up enthusiastically by civil service employment -- subsuming American intelligence agencies.
  • China's long history of civil service examination is still honored by the CCP.
  • The CCP doesn't have the taboos against IQ testing suffered by America. 

(%i1) kill(all) ;


(%o0) done

(%o1) true

(%i2) gaussian:(exp(-((x-%mu)/(2*%sigma))))/(%sigma*sqrt(2*%pi));


(%o2) (0.3989422804014327*%e^(-(0.5*(x-%mu))/%sigma))/%sigma

(%i3) ashkenazi_IQ: 115; 

(%o3) 115

(%i4) european_IQ:100;

(%o4) 100

(%i5) chinese_IQ:106;

(%o5) 106

(%i6) %sigma_IQ:15;

(%o6) 15

(%i7) chinese_sigma_IQ:12;

(%o7) 12

(%i8) genius_continuous:integrate(x*population*gaussian, x, genius_IQ, inf); 

(%o8) -(0.3989422804014327*(-2*%sigma*%e^((0.5*%mu)/%sigma)*genius_IQ-4*%sigma^2*%e^((0.5*%mu)/%sigma))*%e^(-(0.5*genius_IQ)/%sigma)*population)/%sigma

(%i9) chinese_population:1.4e9;

(%o9) 1.4*10^9

(%i10) chinese_genius_ore:subst([%sigma=chinese_sigma_IQ,%mu=chinese_IQ,population=chinese_population,genius_IQ=140],genius_continuous);

(%o10) 4.442847732940534*10^10

(%i11) european_american_population:200e6;

(%o11) 2.0*10^8

(%i12) ashkenazi_american_population:6e6;

(%o12) 6000000.0

(%i13) european_american_genius:subst([%sigma=%sigma_IQ,%mu=european_IQ,population=european_american_population,genius_IQ=140],genius_continuous);


(%o13) 7.150882950328202*10^9

(%i14) ashkenazi_american_genius:subst([%sigma=%sigma_IQ,%mu=ashkenazi_IQ,population=ashkenazi_american_population,genius_IQ=140],genius_continuous);

(%o14) 3.536943847347899*10^8

(%i15) american_genius_ore:european_american_genius+ashkenazi_american_genius;

(%o15) 7.504577335062992*10^9

(%i16) intelligence_agency_mining_efficiency:elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency*civil_service_mining_efficiency;

(%o16) civil_service_mining_efficiency*elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency

(%i17) intelligence_agency_genius:national_genius_ore*intelligence_agency_mining_efficiency;

(%o17) civil_service_mining_efficiency*elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency*national_genius_ore


(%o17) civil_service_mining_efficiency*elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency

(%i18) chinese_civil_service_mining_efficiency: 1/2;

(%o18) 0.5

(%i19) chinese_elite_institution_mining_efficiency:1/2;

(%o19) 0.5

(%i20) chinese_agency_mining_efficiency:subst([elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency=chinese_elite_institution_mining_efficiency,civil_service_mining_efficiency=chinese_civil_service_mining_efficiency],intelligence_agency_mining_efficiency);

(%o20) 0.25

(%i21) american_civil_service_mining_efficiency:1/4;

(%o21) 0.25

(%i22) american_elite_institution_mining_efficiency:1/4;

(%o22) 0.25

(%i23) american_agency_mining_efficiency:subst([elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency=american_elite_institution_mining_efficiency,civil_service_mining_efficiency=american_civil_service_mining_efficiency],intelligence_agency_mining_efficiency);

(%o23) 0.0625

(%i24) chinese_intelligence_agency_genius:subst([national_genius_ore=chinese_genius_ore,civil_service_mining_efficiency=chinese_civil_service_mining_efficiency,elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency=chinese_elite_institution_mining_efficiency],intelligence_agency_genius);

(%o24) 1.110711933235133*10^10

(%i25) american_intelligence_agency_genius:subst([national_genius_ore=american_genius_ore,civil_service_mining_efficiency=american_civil_service_mining_efficiency,elite_academic_institution_mining_efficiency=american_elite_institution_mining_efficiency],intelligence_agency_genius);

(%o25) 4.69036083441437*10^8

(%i26) chinese_agency_advantage_over_america: chinese_intelligence_agency_genius/american_intelligence_agency_genius;

(%o26) 23.68073528768954

(%i27) chinese_agency_advantage_over_america;

(%o27) 23.68073528768954


Anonymous said...

I tried to send the following partially redacted comment to you under your most recent YT video, but YT censored it (before and after I reproduced and redacted it). Hopefully this site, which has the same owners, will “let” it through. I’ve kept the partial redactions in place.

Begin censored YT comment:

You should read D-ggy_D-g1208 (anonymous T—tter troll, replace - with o). He’s an Ivy League educated engineer who went to work on Wall St. and likes to brag about his career of moving manufacturing jobs from the U.S. to Ch-na. He then moved to work in H-ng K-ng and is very pro-Ch-na, including its ruling party. He claims that he and his Ind—n classmate suppressed their wh-te classmates’ STEM performance and ambitions by being rac—lly identifiable cognitive elites and being a-h-les about it. Among his other interesting claims are that As-an STEM talent didn’t add to the pool in the U.S., but displaced it. His evidence is that MIT and Caltech are now 50% and 65% As-an, respectively, and indicative, yet patents filed in the U.S. are flattish. He posits his anecdotal dynamic writ large as the mechanism for this displacement (compare to Ch-nese patents). Furthermore, he claims that Ch-na will surpass the U.S. as a great power due to superior numbers and national loyalty of its STEM graduates. He also claims that Ch-na’s GDP already greatly surpasses that of the U.S. if one strips out services (which he says one ought to). He likes to troll davidpg-ldman (T—tter handle aka “Sp-ngler” of As-a Times) and tells him to give up on conservative Am—ican go-s and join Ch-na. G-ldman is one of those pro-L-kud, pro-Tr—p J—s who recognizes the damage the n—c-ns have done to Am—ica. Interestingly though, before he was outed as the man behind “Sp-ngler” he seemed to revel in the decline of the W-st in the pages of As-a Times. D-ggy_D-g1208 also claims that Ch-na is quite pleased with Am—ican authors providing their readers with “c-pium” regarding Ch-na’s rise: the better to continue to rise as stealthily as possible. This raises a question for me: why gloat? Perhaps it’s a guilty conscience, or a fait accompli in his view, or an attempt at optimal timing of further demoralization, or he finds it stimulating to taunt his en-my (who provided him with an Ivy League education), or he figures he has a tiny audience so why not vent a little. This is a pretty accurate compression of what I wanted you to read, so you can skip it to save time, unless you want to check for yourself. And of course it’s only “a data point”, but a fairly high dimensional one in my view.

Jim Bowery said...

I greatly appreciate the trouble you went to and the high salience of your data point. This is the kind of thing a functional intelligence community and national security apparatus would have seen coming decades before it ever became manifest, and taken action commensurate with the threat -- which is greater than any so-called "weapons of mass destruction".

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the forum allowing me to speak what de juris ought to be legal, but de facto apparently is not, at least on some platforms. There are a lot of tangents I could go off on from my initial comment, but I’ll mention two “quick” ones that interest me. One is the idea that part of the current Ukraine operation is designed to mine European genius ore by getting Europe into an existential military contest (real or perceived being functionally equivalent) via NATO, as a workaround to a demoralized and largely absent Euro-American STEM workforce and an Asian workforce that might not be motivated to work on weapons aimed at their co-ethnics (or might not be seen as loyal). An operation as big as this is likely to be used to organize society, as 9/11 was, in as many ways as deemed necessary or possible. Getting guys who are able, willing, and trustworthy enough to design and build next generation weapons systems for major NATO arms manufacturers, principally located in the US, seems like a good move from the point of view of US military-technical leaders. But I also suspect this whole operation could have undesirable consequences for some Russia hawks (the usual suspects). Creating a militant consciousness in Europe directed at an ethnic other while creating a vast workforce of white male geniuses whose job it is to optimize the violent deaths of that other will eventually rub up against the fact that European cities are becoming less and less livable. Yet attacking Russia itself will remain obviously suicidal. The propaganda designed to throw water on that surface of friction will be predictably awful: think Hidden Figures saving Europe from Dolph Lundgren types. As susceptible to propaganda as current Europeans are, it might work too, which is why I sometimes think realistic better case scenarios all involve losing Cold War 2. Say what one will about how damaging to Russia the Soviet Union collapsing was, but it did effectively allow them to “run a fever”, creating their current nationalist/natalist society (with a serious and sufficiently intelligent person at the helm). Of course America might be a “last stand” in a way that the Soviet Union was not (for those obliquely implicated via analogy).

The other thing I wanted to point you to, is the following interesting page, which I visited after reading David Goldman’s wiki page, which stated he was on the board of advisors.

I’m not sure how well the outreach is going given China’s positions on Russia, Iran, the US, etc. But it’s interesting that an attempt is being made (I would expect no less).

Geo said...

Very interesting hypothesis. However, have you considered the difference in IQ type? Apparently the East Asian and Chinese IQ skews in the performance and visuospatial abilities, while lower in verbal IQ.

The areas in IQ that Ashkenazim do best in, namely verbal IQ, are the areas that East Asians do worst in, and vice versa: Ashkenazim do worst in the areas E. Asians do best in.

Apparently performance IQ/visuospatial ability is related to activities such as hunting. Eskimos and other hunter gatherer types do fairly well in those areas, while worse in verbal IQ.

Given the Chinese IQ skew, would an IQ advantage necessarily be reflected in political strategy? Political strategizing seems something that verbal IQ would be suited for.

Jim Bowery said...

That's a reasonable line of thought, but it seems to me the West's main weakness is the misapplication of Ashkenazi verbal IQ within the West due to a long history of adapting to diaspora conditions. The resulting cultural overlay renders it difficult for anyone in the West to think rationally about the proper application of Ashkenazi gifts in defense of Western values. The largely Askhenazi neocons are a case in point. One would think that with their hawkish attitudes and eagerness to project power internationally, they would be excellent intelligence agency rivals to any Maoist thinktank/agency. However, they haven't been able to recognize that open borders, for instance, are destroying the United States. Another case in point are various libertarian (Rothbard, Block, etc.) and neoliberal economists of the Chicago School (Friedman, Stigler, etc.) who seem, on the one hand, to pay lip service to the insanity of open borders to a welfare state, but are utterly ineffective in supporting immigration restrictionists and, indeed, are on a hair-trigger to suspect "populism" will result in "anti-semitic authoritarianism" the minute anyone does anything effective.

We in the West have been indoctrinated to share this fear, so no one in authority is permitted to think rationally about immigration's corrosive effect on the West.

I strongly suspect this can't have escaped the Chinese with their long historic memories spanning multiple civilizational cycles -- rivaling that of Jews. This is especially true since Jews were heavily involved in the opium trade resulting in "The Century of Humiliation". So, it really doesn't take that much strategic intelligence to figure out the character defect in Jews if you aren't continually bombarded with motion pictures and academic histories from their perspective. Indeed, it would become very obvious that they have an addictive weakness for certain things like centralization and immigration -- weaknesses that could, in a kind of poetic justice, be sold back to them as a kind of "Opiate of the Jews". This could be as simple as, covertly, making life difficult for Ashkenazi intellectualsthat saw the glaring reality of their ethnic weaknesses for these "opiates" and were trying to resist. Dirty tricks are exceedingly cheap and there aren't that many "holes in the dikes" to plug.

Moreover, from a hunter's perspective, if you can see an animal has certain irresistible urges, it is easy to bait traps. All you have to do is stop thinking of your prey as human since they really aren't behaving as such.