Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Property Money Quick Start Guide


Creation of local property money is backed by local property value as follows:

  • Properties are protected by sovereigns when owners pay demurrage equally to sovereigns.
  • Sovereigns and demurrage rates are selected by any criteria deemed suitable to the locality*.
  • Demurrage on a property is assessed at its liquidation value in the local currency.
  • Liquidation value is established by the high bid in escrow.
  • Demurrage is assessed on all money except high bids in escrow.
  • When a new property enters protected status, money is created equal to the USD assessment.
  • When new money is created, it is divided equally among sovereigns.
*Application of Property Money to large jurisdictions is beyond the scope of the present "quick start" guide.  For example, there is no provision for eminent domain takings.  Eminent domain requires discussion of not only the boundary beyond which sovereign-will forcefully overrides owner-will, but also discussion of a more sophisticated escrow scheme that permits the same money to be placed in bids for multiple properties, any one of which may be taken by the owner thereby removing the other bids placed with that same money.

Specification Of A Manual Implementation

For example, Property Money is pretty simple to implement, manually, at a local level.  Here are the steps:
  1. Set up a spreadsheet to keep account balances.
  2. Give those registered for the draft (military-aged men), henceforth "sovereigns", accounts with 0 balances.  Don't place any other requirements on who sovereigns are or you'll invite in the current political Hellscape.
  3. Set up a spreadsheet to record properties.
  4. Tell your sovereigns they get Property Money when property owners record their titles.
  5. When recording a property, go to your County Recorder's database and look up the current assessment in USD.
  6. Record its owner as being entitled to the property and distribute the associated Property Money evenly to the account balances of all sovereigns and if the owner is not already registered with an account, create one with 0 balance.
  7. Accept escrowed bids (100% value) for properties.  When a property owner accepts a bid, record the transfer of the property to the owner of the bid and transfer the escrowed bid to the account of the former owner.
  8.  Process IOUs as though they were checks:  Transferring the amount from the payer and to the payee.  Deny overdrafts.
  9. Periodically (say the start of each month just after social security checks have been paid)  collect a small % of each account and bid in escrow except the high bids -- this is the "demurrage" on cash.  For high bids in escrow charge the demurrage to the account of the property's owner.  Notify owners when their accounts go negative.  Notify sovereigns of all negative accounts.
  10. Distribute the collected demurrage evenly to the account balances of all sovereigns.
  11. Periodically (say the start of each quarter) sovereigns vote on the demurrage % to be charged and how much the payout to sovereigns (more or less) should differ from that collected (if at all).

Everything else within the Property Money regime is private sector.  And, yes, that means all other social functions normally thought of as "government".

Specification Of An Electronic Implementation

Use instant messaging app IDs as personal identification, such as XMPP JID or, phone number if SMS supports incoming SHAKEN/STIR attestation.
Use county recorder parcel IDs as property identification.
Establish an incorporation counter at 0.  Prefix with "i" to form a local economy ("locality") incorporation identification, e.g. "i0" as the locality incorporation identifier.

On an ongoing basis:
  1. Identify local men registered for the draft, henceforth called "sovereigns".  We'll call their population count "#sovereigns". 
  2. Identify participating local property owners, henceforth called "owners". 
  3. Make a copy of this transaction spreadsheet.
  4. Obtain the current property assessments.
  5. For each owner's properties:
    1. Enter owner's ID under "From".
    2. Enter "i0" for the locality's incorporation ID under "To".
    3. Enter the property's assessment under "Amount".
    4. Enter the property's ID (eg, its parcel ID) under "For".
    5. Increment the counter for a new incorporation ID, e.g. "i1" for the incorporated owner of the first escrowed bid, to be established as follows:
    6. For each sovereign:
      1. Enter "i0" under "From"
      2. Enter his ID under under "To"
      3. Enter the property's assessment divided by #sovereigns under "Amount"
      4. Send an message notifying him of this deposit.
    7. For each sovereign:
      1. Enter his ID under "From"
      2. Enter the new incorporation's ID under "To"
      3. Enter assessment divided by #sovereigns under "Amount"
      4. Enter "i0" under "Of"
      5. Enter assessment divided by #sovereigns under "For"
      6. Enter the new incorporation ID under "In"
      7. Send him a message notifying him of this purchase of shares in the incorporation bid in escrow.
    8. Enter the incorporation ID under "From"
    9. Enter the property ID under "To"
    10. Enter the property assessment under "Amount" establishing the first escrowed bid on that property.
  6. Any message sent From one ID To an owner ID with a format "<amount> <for of>" initiating a transaction:
    1.  Create a row in the transaction spreadsheet, with "Status" pending:
      1.  <for of> can be:
        1.  [<percent>|<amount>] <property ID>|
        2.  <natural language memo string>.
      2. [<percent>|<amount>] defaults to 100%.
    2. If owner responds with:
      1. "ok|yes" "Status" is cleared indicating transaction completed.
      2. "no" "Status" is set to "canceled" and no accounts are affected.
    3. If <amount> is negative, and To is an escrowed bid (its incorporation ID), reverse the direction of the transaction, making the <amount> positive, withdrawing money from the bid.
  7. An owner can accept the high bid in escrow at any time creating a transaction:
    1. From bidding incorporation ID
    2. Amount of bid Of "i0".
    3. To selling owner ID.
    4. For "1"
    5. In property ID.
  8. Establish the demurrage rate.
  9. Charge demurrage, rate*amount as to owner of that assessed amount:
    1. A property's high bid in escrow is its assessed amount.
    2. Any money not in a high bid is its own assessed amount.
  10. Establish percentage of collected demurrage paid equally to all sovereigns:
    1. Default to 100%.
    2. Less than 100% reduces the money supply.
    3. More than 100% increases the money supply.
Everything else within the Property Money regime is private sector.  And, yes, that means all other social functions normally thought of as "government".

For instance, let's say Joe grabs Sally's phone and sends himself her Property Money.  Sally would, of course, utter a "hue and cry" reporting the theft to the Sovereigns of her area.  The Sovereigns would  have the option of doing nothing -- in which case girls like Sally would likely not want to hang around their locale.  Think of this as similar to the discretion a Soros District Attorney has to not prosecute property crimes against MAGA supporters, or as similar to the discretion that Presidents like Bush, Obama and Biden have to not defend US territory against invasion by "migrants".  

On the other hand, let's say Sally is an attractive, intelligent, childless, single woman of good character.  The likelihood that Sovereigns would do nothing to remediate the situation is disappearingly small, particularly given the fact that they are men of mating age.  Joe, being the kind of man that he obviously is, would claim that Sally is lying.  So we have at the very least a civil dispute that must be adjudicated.  How is this going to happen if there is no "government"?  

This is where the demurrage paid to Sovereigns comes in:

Sovereigns will have the financial resources ordinarily provided to government to deliver social goods, such as "justice" in "courts", but in this case, there will be possibly competing private sector courts offering adjudication services.  Since Sally doesn't have Property Money -- it having been stolen by Joe -- she can't pay for a prosecutor or court costs.  It will then be up to local private charities, such as churches, fraternal organizations, etc. to pay those costs.  Sovereigns will be donating some of their demurrage income to these organizations -- which will revitalize them.  Moreover, Sally will undoubtedly find suitors among Sovereigns who will see this as an opportunity to step in with their own demurrage savings to find favor with her by helping underwrite the cost of hiring a prosecutor and paying the court costs.  

What about Sam the Sovereign who doesn't pitch into his community to help when girls like Sally need it because he's obese from sitting around all day eating hot pockets and watching porn?  

How is Sam to be disciplined?  


Do you need me to spell it out for you?

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