Saturday, October 01, 2022

Militia Money

Militia Money is Property Money defining its sovereigns -- "those who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization" -- as those who are registered for the draft.

This definition overcomes a number of barriers to putting Property Money into practice:

  • It operationally defines who sovereigns are thereby reducing rhetorical attacks by reducing the "argument surface".
  • Draft registration is a legally recognized class distinction.
  • This class pertains specifically to "those who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization" .
  • The mandatory nature of draft registration implies that society owes a debt to this class.

Moreover, because the draft is currently restricted to men, Militia Money ameliorates the catastrophe befalling the developed world whose economies outbid young men for the fertile years of economically valued women -- thereby depleting from the next generation of economically valuable characteristics.

As Militia Money is adopted, it is likely that the existing political entities will, using Israel as an exemplar, attempt to re-impose this catastrophe befalling civilization by expanding the draft to include young women.  This disingenuous tactic will backfire for 3 reasons:

  1. Israel's government did not make the mistake of subverting the evolutionary psychology of its young women by rendering, in their mind, its young men manifestly impotent to defend their territory against the mass immigration of military aged men who would be viewed as de facto conquerors by the primitive emotional brain centers of both men and women.
  2. Neocons and most members of American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) both played conspicuous roles in encouraging the West to make this mistake and both are Jewish-identified movements/organizations.
  3. Awareness of both of the above will expand along with Militia Money for the simple reason that the evolutionary psychology of territory will begin to re-emerge in the waking consciousness of young men, thereby remediating their self-esteem and freeing their minds from taboos of the post-WW II era.
The primary barrier to adoption of Property Money, hence Militia Money, will be the inability of property owners to recognize that property titles are founded on and granted by sovereign force.  In discussing Militia Money with property owners, the best way of helping them recognize this origin of entitlement is to ask them whether they would prefer that their tax revenue go to politicians or to young men who are registered for the draft.  Although it is true that most property owners -- particularly employers -- will have a low opinion of young men generally, forcing them to compare with politicians may help them.

Obviously, as can be seen in the very wealthy and among employers who contribute to the Republican establishment candidates that are soft on immigration, some of these property owners will not be swayed.  Moreover, they will likely recognize that Militia Money is a threat to them since they have sold out their people and their nation and will likely be seen as the traitors they are.  But at least you will have given them a chance to escape that fate.

Other property owners will recognize the business opportunities represented by the privatization of all functions of government.  These property owners will be among the new Founders.

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